Cornstarch, or maïzena in Dutch, has a long history in the Dutch kitchen. Its arrival in the Netherlands dates back to the 19th century, around the same time that cornstarch became popular in other parts of Europe. The brand name Maizena was introduced in the United States in 1862 by the Duryea brothers and less than a year later the product was already available on the Dutch market, and winning medals at the London and Hamburg expositions.
Maïzena was recommended, among other things, for the weak and those with stomach problems. Cornstarch was an innovation over traditional thickeners like flour, which needed to be cooked longer to achieve the right consistency.
In Dutch cuisine, maïzena is primarily used to thicken sauces, soups, and gravies, and it’s also essential in making some traditional desserts, such as vla (a creamy Dutch custard) or today's dessert. It can also be used in baking, often as a part of the mixture for cakes or pastries, contributing to a tender crumb, like in slagroomtaart, our typical birthday cake.
What I love especially is how quick a dessert comes together, like today's mandarijnenpudding. This is a safeguard against unexpected and last-minute guests, and you probably have all the necessary ingredients at hand. If you don't like mandarin oranges, you can use canned peach instead, or fresh raspberries or strawberries. If you prefer Nilla cookies over ladyfingers, use those - these desserts are easy to make your own and create new family favorites! Makes six medium, or four large servings.