These slices of stale bread, dipped in egg and milk and then fried golden in butter, are a staple of practically any country that has sliced bread on the menu. Whether you call it French toast, pain perdu, torrijas or wentelteefjes, it all comes down to the same thing: proud housemothers (or fathers) using up the food they have and making a worthy dish out of it!
The word "wentelteefje" always generates a big smile from the adults and a snicker from the kids. The word itself could be considered an insult ("teef" is Dutch for female dog and therefore also used to describe less than pleasant women), and to "wentelen" means to turn over. So "wentelteefje" literally means "turnover little b*tch", pardon my English.

The best thing about wentelteefjes is the combination of ease of preparation and the big smiles you get when you set the platter on the table, stacked high with golden slices of yummie goodness.
8 slices stale bread
3 eggs
1 cup (250 ml) milk
Whip the eggs with the milk well. Heat a skillet on the stove with a little bit of butter, dip the bread slices briefly into the eggy milk on both sides, and fry them in the pan until golden. Turn them over to fry on the other side, and keep them warm on a platter until you're done.
Sprinkle with powdered or regular sugar and plenty of cinnamon!
I like adding a little almond extract to the egg mix!!
ReplyDeleteIts even better when you dip the bread in the sugar and cinnamon after dipping it into the egg. This caramelizes the sugar and cinnamon once in the frying pan. Once you've tasted these you'll never put on the sugar afterwards. Just take fare not to burn the sugar. It will make some extra mess but its worth it:)
ReplyDeleteGahh, i need this with some espresso :)
ReplyDeleteHow do you typically eat? With syrup? Or with milk? I'm asking because my husband's family grew up eating it by pouring milk on top. His grandfather was Dutch and it seems like it came from him.
ReplyDeleteit's all about prefrence. I never pur milk on top but just at a bit of sugar
DeleteKatherine, syrup is not very common on wentelteefjes, people usually sprinkle sugar on top. I have not heard of pouring milk over them, and this could be particular to his grandfather's taste. It matters not - enjoy them the way you like best!