
Every now and then I spend some time seeing who visits the website of The Dutch Table, and how they found us. I love the fact that so many are interested in Dutch Food and so willing to write about it, cook it and share their stories. Most of all, I am grateful that you list the source! I am only too happy to return the favor.

The last couple of weeks, we had people visit The Dutch Table through the links posted on these websites: take some time to visit the blogs, forums and read people's stories. We are all connected through our wonderful Dutch food!

Now tell me, how amazing is that! Give these folks a round of applause, they know what good food is all about! :-)


  1. Spotted right back! Thanks for the mention! We love this site.

  2. Thanks for the mention :) I really enjoyed the many dishes I made from your blog - especially the gevulde speculaas.


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